How to deal with spark detector glitch in time

How to deal with spark detector glitch in time


Wuxi Yong 'an Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. warm reminder: spark detection extinguishing system is a kind of preventive measures against the early causes of fire or dust explosion, can detect sparks and hot particles, and extinguish sparks, or transfer dangerous material flow, to ensure the safety of production.

Since a factory accident occurred in a Chinese company, safety awareness has become stronger in factories of all sizes. The government has clearly required the installation of spark detection and extinguishing systems in pneumatic or mechanical conveying systems. As a result, many spark detection systems have appeared in the market, with varying prices and quality. In fact, a lot of manufacturers do not know much about it, sometimes the safety failure is at a loss, a very small fault can actually be solved by itself, then Yong 'an electronic technology will take you to understand some treatment methods:

First, the power indicator light and operation LED are not bright

There's no electricity. Check the power supply circuit. If the power supply is normal, the power supply is damaged and the manufacturer needs to replace it

Two, the alarm does not ring

Check whether the circuit is open. Check whether the fuse is burned out. If the fuse is burned out, it indicates that the circuit is short-circuited. If all are normal, it indicates that the alarm is damaged and the manufacturer will replace it.

Three, probe test failure

Check whether the circuit is open. Check whether the fuse is burned out. If the fuse is burned out, it indicates that the circuit is short-circuited. If all are normal, it indicates that the probe is damaged and the manufacturer will replace it.

Four, the probe frequent alarm

Set anti-interference, or adjust alarm threshold.

Five, the LED can not light up

Check whether the water supply system is normal and whether there is water in the pipe. Check that the water pressure is sufficient. Check whether the switch (ball valve) of the off module is on and whether the circuit is open. Check whether the fuse is burned out. If the fuse is burned out, it indicates that the circuit is open. Check the short circuit. If all are normal, the extinguishing module is damaged and the manufacturer needs to replace it.

The above is the possible treatment of some failures, I hope to help you, do not need to find special personnel can deal with themselves.

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